Uncle Bob Says : We cover for each other

1 min readMay 16, 2019

Let’s say that the original author require 5hours to write the module, how long it should take to review that module? some significant function of 5hours. You should look at code reviews as requiring roughly the amount time it took to write the module. If you are going to spend that much time reviewing the code, why would’t you pair? And when you pairing you are actively involved, not passively reviewing but authoring.

Teams cover for each other when player goes down, if you are in a software team you should be able to cover for each other.

How do you make sure that someone can cover for you? it is your responsibility. You can do this by paring. This is the reason that we want to see people paring.

If you do pairing, you could probably eliminate most of code reviews you do. because pairing is much better way to review code.


